
Character Full Name: Avalette Enerick Ekrayas
Age: 146
Hair: Color/Description: Platinum blonde. Wavy and hangs to her mid back. Usually perfectly styled up.
Eyes:   Silver grey
Height: 5’2’’
Gender: Female
Skin: Very fair
Physique: Petite, curvy hips
Defining Physical Features: Full lips and large eyes. Definable cheek bones, graceful neck. One small, faint scar on the left side of her jaw.
Planet of Origin: Shesikar
Race: Shesikite
Status and/or Titles if applicable: High Queen of Shesikar
Profession:  High Queen of Shesikar
Parents: King Endor Enerick and Queen Jasminae Enerick

Character Summary: Queen Avalette is generally loved by her people. She is a just and kind ruler, but will boldly do things that must be done for the greater good of her kingdom and planet. Despite her small stature she fills a room with her presence. She’s efficient with a sword, an excellent rider and very skilled with her magic, especially when it comes to earth and stone.

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